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Elise & Sander

Moving images!

January 2012 Posted on Sun, January 22, 2012 21:07:27

Just a few videos so that you’ll remember what Sander and Elise move like. First up is Sander. Let me say it like it is: Sander is a schizophrenic. During the day he simply is the happiest and most charming kid you’ll ever meet – not so much at night though. Anyway, have a look for yourself:

Then Elise. We go to gym every Saturday morning and it has become clear that she is in sublime control of her body. There are quite a few things that only she masters, one of which is suicide jumps. Also check out the chicken in the background:

Elise loves Frode, her Danish cousin. But that doesn’t mean he can’t be messed around with:

Finally, one for Dutch people. Some of our words are difficult. Or at least Elise seems to think so, definitely sound required for this one:

Relaxed days

January 2012 Posted on Mon, January 09, 2012 13:38:15

After Christmas we had a nice relaxed week with Oma and Opa. Elise and Sander had a chance to play more with Anne and Abel…

Visit a big pig who lives in a playground near by…

Visit Oma Oma…

Help Opa removing the Christmas tree and play with Oma…

Now we are back in Copenhagen and Elise shared the Chickenpox with Sander