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Elise & Sander

A few short videos

May 2011 Posted on Mon, May 09, 2011 18:58:48

This is Elise looking angry. She is particularly good at that – a tilt of the head and off we go…

This one is from when I flew home with her from the Netherlands over easter. We were without Lene, and after this Nijntje encounter I had to pretty much drag her all the way to the plane. For those of you that don’t know: Elise LOVES Nijntje.

One of my personal favourites and also proof that Danish simply is quite a weird language. Here is Elise trying to pronounce ‘det blæser!’ which means something like ‘it’s windy!’. Phonetically (in Dutch) that is ‘blezer’. See what she makes of it:

And finally, she’s always been quite the actress. Guess she always will be – HELP! 🙂

Elise 2 years old

May 2011 Posted on Mon, May 02, 2011 14:48:24

Yesterday Elise turned two and we had the house full of guests the whole afternoon.

This morning Elise brought something to eat for her friends at the daycare and they celebrated her birthday with a nice song. She seemed more interested in the birthday train though…