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Elise & Sander

Summer house weekend with friends

March 2011 Posted on Mon, March 21, 2011 14:52:07

This weekend we went to a summer house with Christian, Katrine and Carl and our friends from Iceland Thor, Tara and Magnus. It was a great weekend for both parents and children – the small ones enjoyed playing together and behaved exemplary the whole weekend!

Elise hugging her new friend Maggi (Magnus)

Thor blowing soap bubbles

Three proud fathers

Eating breakfast

Little Miss Sunshine

March 2011 Posted on Sat, March 12, 2011 20:37:05


March 2011 Posted on Tue, March 08, 2011 12:41:50

Yesterday all the children dressed up and celebrated ”fastelavn” (Shrovetide) in the day care center. Elise was dressed up as a football player (guess who picked the theme).

Getting ready to leave

Taking turns hitting with a stick on a paper bag full of surprises

Finally someone managed to break the bag and the hunt for clementines and raisins begins

Enjoying the treasure

Elise cooking dinner at home